I shot Mr. Goodbar

I arrived back at the convenience store, and even though I swear he had put it back in his pocket, I found Mr. Goodbar's hunting rifle. I pickied it up, and shot a buterfly. Said butterfly then became a bajillion butterflies, and from them, the bastard appeared. I immediately shot a round into his face(?) but he didn't even react. All he said in response "Get fucked, loser." I went to put the rifle down to try something else, but I noticed my hand had chocolate on them. Unableto help myself, I started eating the rifle. Mr. Goodbr then said "Are you seriously eating my son AGAIN? I'm gonna make sure you never eat any more of my children than you already have, since clearly you looooooove doing it." He then threw me into what he called a "time loop river". After he threw me in, I felt my memories of the last 12 hours slipping away, as well as some of my fluency in English, for some reason.

rifle Rolling down the river...