The classes I attended last Wednesday

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Last Wednesday, I had my general printmaking class and then my environmental science class. In my general printmaking class, I went into the photo darkroom and printed my cliche-verre project. Cliche-verre is a printmaking process in which a design has been scraped away on an opaque substance and then is exposed to light. Before this class, I had never even heard of the process. I had a lot of fun with it though!

In my environmental science class, we watched a documentary on the world's population. One thing that really shocked me is that the global average amount of kids per family is only 2.5. People used to have more kids fifty years ago, but most of the time, at least one child would not surive to adulthood. But thanks to advances in medicine and a better understanding of nutrition, kids nowadays are more likely to survive to adulthood than fifty years ago.

More about Cliche-verres

Cliché-Verre of a tiger by Eugène Delacroix page 2