my name is vivica, welcome to my page!

mood currently: waiting for december
16 y/0
currently in high school

journal highlights .

august 8th,20xx

new update to my page!
schools started up again but I finally had time to write back on here. it's crazy sometimes how much you miss something when it's all gone from your life.
quote of the day:"life is like a trumpet. If you don't put anything into it, you don't get anything out."
currently eating: ham and cheese sandwich (mom made it); calories at 252

july 28th, 20xx
summer draws to a close once again. I'm not sure whether or not to be happy that it came and went. so much has happened that I don't know where to start.
quote of the day:"always do what you're afraid to do."
currently eating: one small tablespoon of icecream for dinner (cheat day ;p); calories at 137

january 3rd, 20xx
they finally buried him yesterday. I haven't been able to sleep in my own room for weeks now. I end up sleeping in his instead.

interests: reading, journaling, cats, music,
currently listening to: [ ]
latest diary entry: 07/26
kitty of the week!
sign my guestbook!

oh hi there!