After JT had left to go on his merry way, I worked on some homework and awaited 5:00pm—the time when I would pick up my girlfriend for our date. Because we are both rather low on funds at the moment, I picked her up from her dorm and we had a romantic dinner in the UWF Dining Hall. From there, we drove to Bayview Park in East Hill, Pensacola. We made it there an hour or so before sunset and headed over to the dock. My girlfriend had brought a blanket and watercolor supplies and we both attempted a simple landscape painting. Her’s looked great, while mine left a bit to be desired. Once it got well and truly dark, we headed back to my dorm and finished off the night with an episode of Chef’s Table. All in all, it was a Wednesday for the history books.

A lovely beach sunset  Marlie sitting on the dock at Bayview Park

This is the end of my story.

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