Last Wednesday was a lovely, restful day for me. I decided to treat myself with a little more sleep than usual, and slowly woke up at about 9:00am. My 3D Design professor was out of town and I did not have class that day. In the name of self-care, I started my day with a good amount of water and took a leisurely shower. I washed my face, shaved, cut my toenails and fingernails, and got dressed for the day. I put my Airpods in and listened to Fleet Foxes’ album “Shore” on my walk to the dining hall for breakfast. As soon as I swiped in, my girlfriend called me asking if I wanted to go to the beach with her. We had already planned to go out later that night, so this was a fun surprise. I quickly ate a breakfast burrito, walked back to my dorm, got my beach stuff together, grabbed a canned latte for the road, and headed out the door. It was a lovely, cool morning; the sun was shining and humidity was low. I headed towards the beach with my windows down and Fleet Foxes continuing to play.

Fleet Foxes album 'Shore' UWF Dining Hall

This story continues on page two.

2nd Page