The Well


When you walk down a dark street, or an empty parking lot, or a lonley trail and feel eyes watching, KEEP WALKING. This is my warning to you, please listen or you will join me at the bottom.

The Well

Last wednesday, I was walking home from a late shift. Everything was dark, the streetlights still hardly working even after 3 years of walking this same path home. I take a shortcut through the park on the corner of L Street to get to my small apartment. I could walk the worn dirt path with my eyes closed. I know every corner of the park, from the rusted swings missing a seat to the old tractor tire that no one felt like moving and is now overgrown with weeds. I knew where I was and never once had I felt unsafe on this walk. But this night, something was off, I felt like I was being watched.

That was when I saw it. A well. Old and stone sitting just beneath the treeline

I don't have much time, they are watching me... They come in the water, they want me to join them in the dark. I haven't drank in days, I can't shower, I can see them watching me just beneath the surface.

They are here. Come look down the well.... JOIN US IN THE DARK

Futher down the Well