Fun Games for a Wednesday Night

Game 1 "The Mr. Smiles Game"

If I could hold your attention for a moment, I would like to inform you of a fun little game I found last Wednesday. It doesn’t take much, just some cloth to make a blindfold and some tape.

Are you ready to play?

This is the Mr. Smiles game. Here’s how you can play from the comfort of your home. Gather the needed supplies, a blindfold, a staircase, and some tape.

Now that you have what you need you are ready to play.

Start at the top of the stairs and blindfold yourself, NO CHEATING, Mr. Smiles doesn’t like cheaters. Walk backward down the stairs, but be careful now, if you fall you lose the game. When you make it to the bottom, the goal is to give Mr. Smiles a face. So use the tape on the wall to give him an eye.

Now, walk backward back up the stairs, Remember not to peek, Mr. Smiles won’t like it if you see him without his smile.

Once at the top do it again and give Mr. Smiles another eye.

We are almost there, Now, give Mr. Smiles a wide grin.

Good Job, you can take off the blindfold now.

Mr. Smiles is ready to make you smile just like him.

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