Go golf go! Hit the ball far, but not too far! Just far enough! To get it in the hole!

team photo fall 2021 coach with a dog Sunset finisher at practice

Every Wednesday is about the same for me. The UWF Women's golf head coach wants for us to show up in the Argonaut Athletics Club (AAC) room that's near building 54. Our coach does a lot for the team and making sure we put ourselves in great positions to succeed. We meet in the AAC at 8:00am and the meeting lasts until 9:30am. What we discuss in our meetings are things that pertain to upcoming qualifying rounds and new arrival of gear. The time can also be spent on logging in our golf statistics from qualifying rounds that might have happened throughout the weekend or from tournaments. If the traveling team is getting back from a tournament Tuesday night, they are given the opportunity to log in their stats while discussing how their round went with other teammates. Last Wednesday, we focused our meeting on reviewing the system we use for our golf statistics to newcomers on the team.

What's next? ---> WORKOUTS !

Let's not forget CLASSES !