Artist Statement...

For this project, I wanted to focus on the subjects I chose from my news articles, but also connect it to one of my favorite mediums, video games. I wanted to make it seem like the viewer was watching the ‘cutscenes of Earth.’ This is why I went with the 8 bit pixelated theme with my font and with some of the imagery. I also connected to the video game aspect by adding in references to some of my favorite video game franchises like The Legend of Zelda and Star Wars. The coding and placing the images in code was the hardest part and took lots of time experimenting with to get it right. In the end to save time I had to cut short some of the original ideas I had, or change them completely. Sometimes this was also due to the fact that I couldn’t figure out how to translate it to code. My main creative focus with the code was using the scroll ability and lengthening the page to achieve this effect. I used multiple divs to do this and exported the pngs of the images at their exact size so they would fit easily. Personally I think this project turned out to be pretty cool even though I don’t have much experience with coding and web design. I think the inexperience is what makes this project interesting. .