Collage of a library leading up to clouds with two black cats standing in the clouds in front of green foliage. One cat is seen in a decorative gold frame.
Hand reaching towards a cup of coffee spilling with a black dahlia and a key falling out of the cup in front of a sky background
Teddy bear with a bunny inside a snowglobe on a space background.

Artist Statement

This project contains visual representations of my mind, my spirit, and my body in three different posters. The viewer of these images should, hopefully, be able to get an idea about who I am by seeing these images. This was an interesting project to create because it’s a more abstract take on a self-portrait. Rather than representing my physical appearance, I was representing who I am on the inside. Even the body poster is less literal and some aspects I chose to represent there were not even about my appearance but how I carry myself. The final posters have a whimsical look to them which I like. It fits in with some of the words I used to base my images off of such as imaginative and artistic. I think these images will give the viewers something to think about and can result in different interpretations. The posters for this project are representations of my mind, spirit, and body. The final result are images with a whimsical and abstract look to them that the viewer can think about for awhile.

You can see my process here.

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