Love's flames, a magnificently red and intimidating explosion.

I created these four collages in photoshop. Creating these pieces was kinda difficult in the sense I had a hard time firguring out the placement and themes of my collages. My Net.Art web pages came out very simple, there is nothing about them that is "spectacular", but I realize this is an introductory class so my work will not be amazingly detailed. I do think the two collages "Ghibli" and "Obsession". I hope from seeing my collages people were able to guess my what my sentence might be about. For my first collage I focused on the idea of love in the form of paper, whether it was a love note or a handmade heart. The second collage depicts love in the form of going on dates. I got the inspiration for this one based off the love language "quality time". My third collage shows love depicted by the creator of Studio Ghibili, Hayao Miyazaki. Many people see the relationships formed in Studio Ghibili films and wish for a similar romance in their life, Miyazaki definitely knows how to make a person's heart flutter! My final collage is inspired by "obsessive" love. I do believe not all obsession equals love, example: stalkers, but I think it is safe to say if you are obsessed with a character from your favorite show or even and animal like cats, you are definitely showing genuine love. Even though my web pages are very simple and straight to the point I really hope people will enjoy the collages I have made. I really wish I could have done more in my pages, but I am a beginner after all.

Process Book

Index Page