Mind body Spirit

The mind featured on the far left is a look into how my mind is set up. Tranquility,the scale symbolizes being unbaised,the lightbulb for being intuitive, the owl on the shoulder for wisdom, and the dove for peacefullness. For the Middle this is my body,Tree is to represent my height,Slenderman for my skinny figure, spray bottle for being clean, and the giant razor for always being clean shaven, and the magnifying glass for being observant.The last figure on the far right is my Spirit. the spirit represents my overall being so the be kind in the sand is exaclty what you would think im a kind person, the jumping girl on the beach is for my free spirit attitude, the eyes more or less the tear is foor my sensitivity as a person, The scoprion is my astrological sign GO SCOPRIOS!, and lastly the beam coming off from the top is my personal opinion im a magical person.