Net.Art Launch Page

Tia Eckles

This is the Launch Page for my Net.Art project. My prompt for this was:

"New! It's New Empowering Ads!"

We were instructed to find a news article, scramble words from it, and randomly generate a new order for the sentence. This phrase quickly stuck out to me as I had a very clear mental image of the type of work that I wanted to create from this phrase. The idea of "toxic positivity" came to mind along with the incessant advertisements geared towards women in order to "better themselves." I wanted to mock and poke fun at these ideals with my work. As the piece progresses and the viewer moves through the pages, I wanted there to be a sense of defeat and almost depersonalization. The speaker has broken down the viewer to the point that they believe the things that are being said. I did not stick entirely to the prompt, rather I went with the project and followed where I thought the natural progression was. Overall, this piece ended up being fairly personal and I am very happy with the outcome.

Content Warning: This project deals with some mild depersonlization. It also has a Flash Warning.

My Process Book.