What I watched last Wednesday

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Recently, I have been watching a lot of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, also just called SVU. I have been watching that show since I was a teen and I've found myself watching it a little too much recently. I watched two episodes on Wednesday, both from season 2. The first episode I watched was called "Manhunt" and the second one was "Scourge". Both episodes were very intense and focused on the SVU squad tracking down a serial killer.

Out of those two episodes, I preferred "Manhunt". The serial killer the squad was tracking down hit a little too close to home for the character John Munch (played by Richard Belzer). He previously worked in Homicide and realized after transferring to SVU that he struggled to deal with the living victims. One of the victims of the serial killer escaped and it greatly affects Munch's mental state. I really like when episodes of SVU focus on the characters and how the cases they are trying to solve affect the squad. I think as the show went on, it either focused to much on the case or too much on the personal stakes. The first few seasons knew how to strike the perfect balance.

IMBD page for "Manhunt"

The cast of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Season 2

The cast of Law and Order Special Victims Unit season 2 index