Daquarium again The eye blinked at me once, and then twice, and a third time. I slowly approached it, feeling drawn towards it by some sort of invisible force. As I stepped closer and closer, my sneakers squeaking against the polished floor, I suddenly began to take notice of something odd. This building was impressive inside and out, standing tall against the skyline and filled with the most beautiful tanks I had ever seen. On top of all of this, it was free to enter! So then.. why were there no other guests except me? I came to this realization just in time it seemed, as I had just enough time to leap to the side as an elongated tentacle suddenly broke through the glass tank under the eyeball. I made a run for it, heading deeper into The Aquarium, further and further until I was sure I was far enough away from the beast in the front room. As I stopped to catch my breath, I began to look around the exhibit I had found myself in. This room was illuminated a vibrant green, and inside the tanks were dozens of sea turtles. One swam up to look at me, causing me to take a step back out of caution. Thankfully, it only stayed for a moment before swimming off to rejoin its family. pleasant turtle