What I Did Last Wednesday

Daquarium Last Wednesday I found myself heading in no direction in particular, simply walking. Why was I walking? Maybe it was to clear my mind on the work I had to do, maybe it was to get in some exercise against that horrible college diet I had developed, or maybe it was for no reason whatsoever. Whatever the case is it does not matter, the only thing that matters is that it happened. The reason this is important is because of the destination, not the journey ironically enough. When I had snapped out of my walk, I found myself somewhere new, The Aquarium. But not just any Aquarium, THE Aquarium. Literally, that was the name written on the sign. Also written on the sign was a simple phrase, “free entry”. As I stepped inside, I felt a cool breeze hit me like a train. Striking me to my very core as I was blinded by a blaring light of some kind. But as quickly as it breached my eyes, it faded away, leaving me slowly opening my eyes. Directly in front of me was a spacious room filled with tanks glowing an aquatic blue. The largest one stood in the center of the room, and inside it, staring at me, was one large eye. big ol eye