The recreation before you took many hours of hard typing on a keyboard and calculating ratios to complete. With that in mind, you can begin to imagine how long it must have taken to create the original! This CSS Painting is based off of Josef Albers' "Pink Orange Surrounded by 4 Grays". Thanks to Mr. Albers we do not need to spend too much time on the description of the painting, as what you see is what you get with a title like that. I chose this piece not only because orange is my favorite color, but also because of the feeling it invokes. While very abstract and without much context, the pairing of the orange and pink colors helps create the feeling of autumn, of the afternoon, of October and the coming November. At least, to me it does. The pleasant colors proved to be a smart choice, as it made staring at the piece for hours not so bad. A link to the piece will be provided now.: Pink Orange Surrounded by 4 Grays Back to Index Page