welcome to Net.art

you are a creator.

Using the process of randomizing segments of writing from news articles, the sentence, or sentence fragment, “the feel of the foundational” stuck out to me. As I thought about what this phrase could mean for me and this project, my mind instantly ran towards the synonym for foundational: elemental. My train of thought completely off track at this point, I embraced this way of thinking and considered the traditional elements (fire, water, earth, air) in terms of how they are useful to us. Although these elements in their pure form have no real use in our contemporary lives, they continue to offer us methods through which we can experience a simpler way of living and being. My intention for this project was to create a dramatic intersection between our screens, and the primal technologies of generations before us. Each image was taken by me, and embedded in web pages as lines of .html code on a screen. All pages are linked to at least one other page, and there is no right or wrong order of viewing. Enjoy.