Netart Project

Emma Wooten

ART2602C-Fall 2022

Artist Statement:

This project gave students the task of creating a series of netart based on a sentence or phrase. This sentence or phrase was created by grabbing a paragraph from three different news articles, then mashing them up with a number generator. The phrase that I ended up with was: perplexing stream waves forced another signaled plunge.

It took me a while to think of what direction to take this project in, but I decided to go towards giving the project an ominous and unsettling feeling. I decided to take a slightly literal approach when interpreting my phrase. I wanted to create a project that was based on water, signals, and perplexing elements. I wanted the project to seem a bit like a game, giving the audience randomized choices on what they wanted to happen next. I kept the choices a bit vague so that it could be an added mystery for the audience. This also would add an extra element of interest, as the paths are not revealed immediately. This piece is meant to make the audience feel a sense of uneasiness and urgency in some of the pages. The piece should also keep the audience interested while they are navigating through the pages. While this piece is meant to be entertaining, it also has a bit of a twist. Another interpretation is that people entertain themselves with screens while the waters are rising. This is shown through running water that is in places that should not have water, multiple screens with static and cracks, and broken televisions with fish bones in the bottom of a stream.

I wanted my work to be entertaining and mysterious, while also having a deeper meaning that does not really dawn on the audience until they look closer at the piece. This is done by creating compositions on each page that are interactive, but have two different meanings within the composition. I created a sense of mystery by setting up the pages to have multiple paths that can be chosen, but are not explicitly clear in where they lead to.


Here is the process book.

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