Net Art Launch Page

I am proud about how this ended up. I so many issues from my files corrupting when I uploaded them to Brakcets. That was the most complicated part was Brackets or my own computer or something messing up on me. However, I believe that I got through it and was able to produce something interesting. The words I used made more mentions of courts and things of that nature but I ultimately decided to be more personal with this project because of how much of a, surprisingly, closed book I am.

I don't usually make art that is a inward look unless I have to and when I do make art in that way, I always believe it could've been better. I wanted to make something that was personal and I would enjoy later. When I started this class, I had not a single idea of anything about coding. The pages may be rudimentary but I can say, with confidence, that I am proud with what I have made.

Pages Start Here

Process Book