Fall ART2602

Artist Statement - Alia Scotka

In my piece, I interpreted the generated sentence: "Thursday announced rainforests revealing the worlds reflection", as zoning into the aftermath of we as humans do to our planet. I found it ironic that just like the weekday, Thursday, itself as it reaches the end of the week parallels with our planet Earth slowly reaching its end. A great reflection of our human society's actions is simply taking a look at our ecosystem and environment. Humane society's actions are reflected on each page of my piece. There has been both good and bad things that us humans do to our planet, but the bad does outweigh the good. When given the weekday itself, I wanted to make a calendar that lets the viewer interact with that specific day. Behind Thursday, there's direction the pages that present our world's reflection. Two of the pages focus on the main sufferings that I could think of and execute properly that our planet goes through which was pollution and wildfires. There is a story behind the forest page that creates a sort of dark humor. It's my way of sprinkling in a happy cute monkey on top of something that's actually tragic. I did take the meaning of reflection quite literally when incorporating it in my work with imitating an actual mirror that the Earth is looking through. To add in a bit of my personality in most of the pages, I chose to include my favorite animal which is a monkey. The prompt mentions rainforest, and I found it no better fit than to add in my favorite animal. As I reached the end, I wanted to make sure there was meaning behind each piece and that my interpretation of the generated sentence was revealed throughout my work.


Process Book
